Welcome to my website – thank you for visiting my world.
Because some clever people designed digital cameras, we are now able to record just about anything, anywhere and anytime. If all fails, pull out your mobile phone and fire up the camera.
Whatever you have available – use it. Record anything from a dead policeman to a wet umbrella, and anything and everything in between. Take photos of your friends, family and pets, because before you know it – they are no longer with you. Share your photos, and enjoy them.
I was one of the lucky ones who got to photograph Great White Sharks. As widely published, they are busy disappearing from our ocean, and not a single white shark has been seen around our coast in the past year (2019). How I now wish I spend more time on the boat! There is a lot of information available if you google the topic, and also google one of the researchers, Dr Sara Andreotti.
I am not a purist – and shooting in a fine art photography style, I have artistic licence to present my photos as I see them. I edit in Photoshop, as this is where my photos come to life – nice and big on the Laptop screen. You can’t tell what a photo should look like from the back of the camera TV!
Photography and Photoshop training is available on a one-on-one basis.
For more info on my photographic tours – please visit www.phototourscapetown.com